Can not create option via ajax

I can not create option via ajax. The data format is same as document requirement.

        ajax: {            
            url: '/order/create/name',
            dataType: 'json',  
            delay: 250,
            processResults: function (data) {
                return  data;
            cache: true

response data as below:

However it do not work!

The reasult as below:

Not any search result

The console.log result:

Is there something I missed?

Only static data works, I don’t konw why:

        ajax: {             
            url: '/order/create/name',
            dataType: 'json',  
            delay: 250,
            processResults: function (data) {
                return {
                    results: [{"id":3,"text":"hello world!"}]
            cache: true


Oh! yes!
I solved this problem.

The elements in array are not json!

How to close this issue?


I’m glad you solved your problem. There isn’t a way to “close” an issue, since this is just a discussion forum. If you can edit the title of this thread, you could put “[SOLVED]” in front of the current title. That way people reading the forum will know that the issue is solved.