Add link to Label

I am struggling with following.
I want to make the labels of the selected items (pillboxes) as links.

So first you got the ‘span.selection__choice__remove’ cross, than the text with the value.
I just want to add a link to this text (which uses the Id value of this item).
Is this possible with ‘remplateResult’?

Thanks in advance

The documentation is not clear on this subject. It doesn’t say it’s not possible, but it doesn’t give an example using a multi-select list either.

Have you tried it? Your templating function should simply return a string containing the HTML of the link you want:

function makeResultALink(item) {
    return '<a href="...">' + item.text + '</a>';

where you’d fill in the href attribute value with the URL of the link (presumably composed of some data that is stored in the selected item’s data structure).