Cannot get ajax results populated

I must have missed something in the documentation. I am able to get the ajax call to work and get my results. Where I am falling apart if how to populate the resutls under the search field while the user is typing.

I understand the function $('#products-list').select2(); that initializes a new dropdown with the results, but removes the search field. I want to show the search field populated with results, then the user can choose one of the populated results.

what am I missing?

The code below when executed, provides jquery error

jQuery.Deferred exception: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘slice’) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘slice’)

$(document).ready(function() {

    	placeholder: "search items",
    	width: '100%',
    	minimumInputLength: 2,
    	ajax: {
                url: "url",
                dataType: 'json',
                /*contentType:"application/json; charset=utf-8",*/
                type: "POST",
                data: function ( term ) {
                    return 'search-model=products&search-index=code&search-value=' + term.term;
                processResults: function ( data, params ) {
                	let elements;
                	for (var i = 0; i < data.num_rows; i++) {
                		//elements += '<option value="' + data.products[i].id + '">' + data.products[i].title + '&nbsp;' + data.products[i].code + ',(&nbsp;' + data.products[i].price + ')</option>';
                		//The third parameter of new Option(...) determines whether the item is "default selected"; i.e. it sets the selected attribute for the new option. The fourth parameter sets the options actual selected state - if set to true, the new option will be selected by default.
                		//element = new Option( data.products[i].title, data.products[i].id, false, false );
                		elements += new Option( data.products[i].code, data.products[i].id, false, false );
                		$('#products-list').append( new Option( data.products[i].code, data.products[i].id, false, false ) ).trigger('change');

                		return { resultsData: elements };


