Documentation edition of Internationalization section


I’m currently using Webpack Encore to build my front assets on a project. I proposed an edition of the Installation page to add a section explaining how to do it with Encore, and I was wondering which would be the better way to indicate how to import Select2 translation files using Encore. It doesn’t seem to fit in the Installation page, but I don’t think the Internationalization page structure would allow me to add a “how to” to it.

I would like to add something like:

#### Using Webpack Encore    

To use translation files under Webpack Encore, import them under your `app.js` file:

$.fn.select2.amd.define('select2/i18n/fr', [], require("select2/src/js/select2/i18n/fr"));
$.fn.select2.amd.define('select2/i18n/es', [], require("select2/src/js/select2/i18n/es"));
$.fn.select2.amd.define('select2/i18n/de', [], require("select2/src/js/select2/i18n/de"));

Do you think I should add it to the documentation? And how / where?