dropdownCssClass for 'notranslate' not working on dropdown (google translate)

while working with google translator,i need to add “notranslate” class to the container and the dropdown.so that the content should not be translated in any language on change of the language change.

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlOwner_Workgroup_Id" runat="server" CssClass="select2WithSearch">
    <script type="text/javascript">
          $(document).ready( function () { 
                             containerCssClass: "notranslate", 
                            dropdownCssClass: "notranslate"

after doing this,the class notranslate has been added to both the container and the dropdown(select2-drop),but on the language change the dropdown options select2-drop has been still getting translated.

is there any thing i am missing here?