How do I prevent numbers from being typed in


I have a Select2 field in a Vue component and I want to prevent the user to type in numbers. Numbers + text is allowed.
I have searched the web and found no solution.

My code looks like this:

<select2 v-model="eventInput" :options="events"  name="ed_kbeid" >
        <option disabled value="0">Select one</option>

watcher component wich listens to “eventInput”:

eventInput: function(input) {
        var regex1 = /\d/g;
        var regex2 = /\D/g;
        if(input == regex1)
            if(input == regex2)
                this.$store.commit('setEventInput', input)
                input.value = input.value.replace(regex1, "");
            this.$store.commit('setEventInput', input)

Any ideas?

I solved it, it works now