How do I refresh the result list without closing the combobox?

hello, when I search, when the result is not found, the text “result not found” appears and the existing data is hidden.when I delete it with backspace, the old data comes back without closing the combobox.when I click on the clear icon I made myself, how can I refresh or reset the result list without closing the combobox?.if there is no method for this, if I fix it in html, where can I access the old data.I tried these but none of them worked. thank you


I also tried this, while the combobox was opening, I threw the current data to the session and when I cleared it, I restored it from the session or from itself, but this time the combobox closes.I want it to do this without closing.

  $("#product").empty().prepend('<option selected class="placeholdered" value="">chooice..</option>').select2({
        data: $('#product').select2('data'), or Session("data")