How to catch AllowClear with originalEvent


I’m looking for a way to detect user action vs programmed action.
How can I catch if the user click on the X to unselect an item (AllowClear)?
Note I’m using single selection

$('#myfield').on('select2:select', function(e) {
	   if(e?.params?.originalEvent?.originalEvent) {
		  console.log('user action');
	   } else {
		  console.log('program action');

I also tried

	$('#myfield').on('select2:unselecting', function (e) {       

	 if(e?.params?.originalEvent?.originalEvent) {
		 // user action
		 console.log('user action');
	   } else {
		 // programatically trigger
		 console.log('program action');


Both log result ended to program action so this mean no originalEvent is attached to AllowClear.

This is similar to this fix but for AllowClear