I have a multiple select box, where i can choose multiple email-adresses. When I choose more than one and transmit the form-data via an ajax command only the last value is transmitted.
I “collect” with the .serialize() command.
This is the code for the login box:
<label for="login" class="control-label">Logins anlegen für</label>
<select3 class="select2_tag form-control" name="login" multiple="multiple" v-model="loginUebertrag"
import JQuery from 'jquery'
let $ = JQuery
import Select3 from '@/components/Select3.vue'
export default {
name: 'Login',
data: function () {
return {
login: [],
loginUebertrag: []
components: {
methods: {
lade_login: function () {
let vm = this;
$.getJSON("/ajax/neukundenanlage/get_login.php", function (result) {
vm.login = result;
Thanks in advance!