Populate 2nd Select2 from Selections on 1st Select2 with AJAX and OptGroup

I have my first select2 that I pull data into from remote ajax search with multiple options allowed:

	ajax: {
		url: "/trip-search",
		dataType: "json",
		delay: 250,
		data: function(params) {
			return {
				q: params.term 
		processResults: function(data, params) {
			var resData = [];
			data.forEach(function(value) {
			return {
				results: $.map(resData, function(item) {
					return {
						text: item.TripName,
						id: item.Id
		//,cache: true
	placeholder: "Select Trip(s)...",
	minimumInputLength: 3

with data return like this:

   {"id":"123","text":"Trip Name 1"},
   {"id":"456","text":"Trip Name 2"},
   {"id":"789","text":"Trip Name 3"}

I then have a second select2 that I want to populate based on the selection(s) that are in the first select2. I initialize like this on ready: $("#NewSelect2").select2();

onchange or onselect of the first select2, I want the data to be updated in the second. I want to have optgroups to be able to group my data returned by trip for ease of viewing.

$('#EmailSentToGroup').on('change select', function() {

Now updatePackages is like this, the part for processResults or success is what I cannot figure out.

  1. The format of the JSON response
  2. How to process these results into meaningful data select2 can understand & display.
function updatePackages(){
      ajax: {
        url: "/data/data_select.asp?ids=" + $("#EmailSentToGroup").val(),
        type:     "POST",
        dataType: "json'",
        processResults: function (data) {

I have seen some of the other similar posts, but they do not add in the other complexities I am trying to do. (Populatate a second select based on selection a 1st select - #3 by galactica)

any help would be greatly appreciated as I have spent the better part of a day on this already!

Thank you.

After posting this, it became clearer to me that I had part of my answer already in my first call that was working, so I updated UpdatePackages() to this:

			function updatePackages(){
					ajax: {
						url: "/trip-packages-lists?type=packages&ids=" + $("#EmailSentToGroup").val(),
						type: "POST",
						dataType: "json",
						data: function(params) {
							return {
								q: params.term
						processResults: function (data) {
							return {
								results: data

and this is the ajax response for those that cannot find this example like I could:

	"text": "Trip Name 1",
	"children": [
		{"id": "2278","text": "A) Package 1"},
		{"id": "2279","text": "B) Package 2"}
	"text": "Trip Name 2",
	"children": [
		{"id": "4159","text": "Trip Package 1"},
		{"id": "4160","text": "Trip Package 2"},
		{"id": "4158","text": "Trip Package 3"}

This is working correctly. And this page helped me understand how to process the results with optgroups via json format. ajax - How to add this optgroup json data to Select2? - Stack Overflow

That said, the only issue I have now is that I want to search the results already populated into SelectPackages instead of doing another ajax call each time select an item from SelectPackages. I think this is a setup issue, but I cannot figure out the difference from populating the 2nd select2 vs just selecting items after already populated. any help would again be appreciated! thanks.

figured it out. Final answer below. Hope this helps someone!

			$("#EmailSentToGroup").on("change select", function() {

			function updatePackages(){
				$.getJSON( "/trip-packages-lists?type=packages&ids=" + $("#EmailSentToGroup").val(), function(respond) {
						multiple: true,
						data: respond
				$("#SelectPackagesXX").select2({ //Do not use this since it will call Ajax each time you type in newly popualted select2
					ajax: {
						url: "/trip-packages-lists?type=packages&ids=" + $("#EmailSentToGroup").val(),
						type: "POST",
						dataType: "json",
						data: function(params) {
							return {
								q: params.term
						processResults: function (data) {
							return {
								results: data