I made a form with 2 selectors using the Select2 to display a big list of hotels and everything works fine on all OS and all the browsers except with Safari. The problem is that when you click on the selector and then select one of its options it makes a scroll to the bottom of the page. I looked around on Google to see if there was a solution to this and I did find some forums with the same issue from a time ago but I couldn’t resolve it with the answers they gave.
You can see what happens here: https://gyazo.com/215ddb46886a8e97172d0e87e3b8975d
I’m doing a enqueue for both CSS and JS 4.0.7 version from their CDN as they show on their page. And even if I don’t do the enqueue the Woocommerce plugin calls it directly from it’s assets directory.
Remember, it only happens on Safari.