Select2 + Ajax only works the firs time in Google Chrome

I have used select2 ajax in datatable Jquery back end data of datatable is
Everything work well, i can type to search via Ajax but after i click button to iterate datatable and send data to server to process i can’t type select2 in search field.
This problem occur in Google chrome which i try to use Firefox don’t found any problem
initialize Select2 in drawCallback

            ajax: {
                url: '<%=ResolveUrl("~/WS_WebService1.asmx/Get_RequesterDetail") %>',
                //url: 'WS_WebService1.asmx/Get_RequesterDetail',
                type: "POST",
                dataType: "json",
                contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                delay: 250,
                data: function (params) {                 
                    var search = '';

                    if (params.term !== undefined) {
                        search = params.term;

                    return "{'q': '" + search + "'}";
                processResults: function (data) {                   

                    return {
                        results: $.map(JSON.parse(data.d), function (obj) {
                            // console.log(obj);
                            return { id: obj.Hospital_Code, text: obj.Hospital_Name };
            placeholder: 'Search here',
            minimumInputLength: 1,
        //}).prop('required', true).trigger('change');

this is iterate value function

        *function GetValue() {
        let tbl = $("#<%=GrdNewSSO.ClientID%>").DataTable();
        let isValidRequireField = 'Valid';
        let EmpJsonobj = [];
        tbl.rows().every(function () {
            let row = $(this.node());
            let col0 = row.find('td:first-child input[type="checkbox"]');
                if (':checked')) {
                    let item = {};
                    item.EmployeeID = row.find('td').eq(1).html();
                    item.HospCode1 = row.find("[id*=ddlHospCode1]").val();
                    item.HospCode2 = row.find("[id*=ddlHospCode2]").val();
                    item.HospCode3 = row.find("[id*=ddlHospCode3]").val();
                    item.StatusChild = row.find("[id*=ddlStatusChild]").val();
                    item.ChildCount = row.find("[id*=Childquantity]").val();
                    item.ChildCount = (item.ChildCount == '') ? 0 : item.ChildCount;
                    let One = row.find("[id*=DateChild]").val();
                    let Two = row.find("[id*=DateChild_2]").val();
                    item.Childoneyear = (One == '') ? '1900-01-01' : One;
                    item.Childtwoyear = (Two == '') ? '1900-01-01' : Two;
                    if (item.HospCode1 === null) {
                        alert('You have to choose Hospital at ' + item.EmployeeID);                         
                        isValidRequireField = 'Invalid';
                    if (item.StatusChild === 'Y') {
                        if (item.ChildCount === 0) {
                            alert('You have to fill Child count at ' + item.EmployeeID);                              
                            isValidRequireField = 'Invalid';
                    item.UpdateByUser = '<%=Session["Emp_ID"] %>';

        return (isValidRequireField === 'Invalid')? isValidRequireField:EmpJsonobj;