Select2 Cannot read property of undefined (reading 'hasError')

I am using the Select2 plugin and jquery and I can’t get any results with the json import from an api here is the error below and the code.

PHP fiIe

minimumInputLength: 2,
minimumResultsForSearch: Infinity,
placeholder: 'Un code postal ou une ville',
language: "fr",
allowClear: true,
tags: true,
ajax: {
  cache: true,
  dataType: "json",
  delay: 250,
  type: 'get',
  url: function (params) {
    if (params != null) {
        let totalResult = -1;
        let baseUrl = "";
        let queryUrl = baseUrl +"&q=" + params + "&rows=" + totalResult + "&facet=code_commune_insee&facet=nom_de_la_commune&facet=code_postal&facet=ligne_5";  
        return queryUrl;
        let baseUrl = "";
        let queryUrl = baseUrl;
        return queryUrl;

  data: function (params) {
      let query = {
        searchTerm: params,
        type: 'public'
    return query;
  processResults: function (data){
    jQuery(data.records).each(function(i, item){
        let nomCommune = item.fields.nom_de_la_commune;
        let codePostal = item.fields.code_postal;

        let resultsData = {
            nom_de_la_commune: nomCommune,
            code_postal: codePostal
        // console.log(resultsData.nom_de_la_commune);
        // console.log(resultsData.code_postal);
        if (data) {
            // return {
                    //resultsData: $.map(data.records, function(resultsData) {
                    //return { nom_de_la_commune: resultsData.nom_de_la_commune ,code_postal: resultsData.code_postal }
                    return { resultsData: data };
            // }
  formatSelection: function(resultsData){
    return resultsData;
  escapeMarkup: function(m) {
    return m;

file html

 function zipcodes_getRowHtml_fr(blockId,resultsData) {
var html = '<tr class="zipcodes_input_row" id="zipcodes_input_row_'+blockId+'">';
html = html + '<td>';
html = html + '<input value="' + resultsData + '" name="select-boxes" type="hidden" id="zipcode_lookup_'+blockId+'" style="width:100%">'; 
html = html + '</td>';
html = html + '</tr>';
return html;}