Select2 change value from jQuery doesn't work (dataAdapter)

I have a huge json data source (over 50,000 + lines) loaded in memory from a static file.
It’s not important why I have it in a static file.

I have initialized select2 as:

            ajax: {},
            dataAdapter: CustomData,
            width: '100%'

My custom data look like:

function (ArrayData, Utils) {
        function CustomData($element, options) {
  , $element, options);
        Utils.Extend(CustomData, ArrayData);

        CustomData.prototype.query = function (params, callback) {
            if (!("page" in params)) {
       = 1;

            var data = {};
            data.results = dataSelect.slice(( - 1) * pageSize, * pageSize);
            data.pagination = {};
            data.pagination.more = * pageSize < dataSelect.length;

Everythink works, but I have one big problem. I can’t set the value to select from jQuery. .
If I try like this:

$ ("#mySelect3").val(17003).trigger("change");

nothing will happen.

Please how do I implement select2 initialization, that can work with many options and can by set from jQuery?

I’m assuming you have confirmed that $("mySelect3").val(17003) (without the .trigger("change") part actually changes the value of the underlying HTML <select>. I’m not an expert on Adapters and Decorators, but have you looked into the EventRelay decorator? I’m thinking you might need to hook this into your CustomData adapter.