Select2 triggering event don't loading additional data

I’m trying to load some important data on my select (select2) that will be used in other parts of the page in the future, but the Triggering Event is not loading the additional data. The code and results are shown below. If anyone has any suggestions, I’d be grateful.

var data = {
	id: 1,
	text: 'text_default',
	text2: 'text_2',
	text3: 'text_3'
var newOption = new Option(data.text,, true, true);
$('#id_cc1').append(newOption).trigger('change'); //until this point, everything works
	type: 'select2:select',
	params: {
		data: data
console.log($('#id_cc1').select2('data')[0]['text']);// return text_default
console.log($('#id_cc1').select2('data')[0]['text2']);// return undefined

I believe the second ‘console.log’ should return: ‘text_2’. What i’m doing wrong