If you can, please try it out in your applications. The more people who test it, the sooner we can declare it a stable release! We’ve got lots of bug fixes, and a few new features:
New features/improvements
Add style property to package.json (#5019)
Implement clear and clearing events (#5058)
Bug fixes
Add ; before beginning of factory wrapper (#5089)
Clear tooltip from select2-selection__rendered when selection is cleared (#4640, #4746)
Fix keyboard not closing when closing dropdown on iOS 10 (#4680)
User-defined types not normalized properly when passed in as data (#4632)
Perform deep merge for Defaults.set() (#4364)
Fix “the results could not be loaded” displaying during AJAX request (#4356)
Cache objects in Utils.__cache instead of using $.data (#4346)
Removing the double event binding registration of selection:update (#4306)
Improve .select2-hidden-accessible (#4908)
Add role and aria-readonly attributes to single selection dropdown value (#4881)
What’s the word on a final version of Select2 v4.0.6. Seems like there hasn’t been a version since Oct 17.
I’m using Select2 in a project in development, but there are bugs in both v.4.0.5 (version I have installed) and v4.0.6-rc1 that would be problematic for a production site.
The issue I’m experiencing in v4.0.5 relates to this issue, which was fixed in v4.0.6
‘The results could not be loaded.’ message during typing when request was cancelled by select2
However, v4.0.6-rc1 introduced a bug that’s a bigger problem with data attributes:
“‘The results could not be loaded.’ message during typing when request was cancelled by select2”
Ideally we’d like to use a version that has both of those bugs fixed. Wanted to see if anybody in the community had an idea of whether that might be coming, or if we may need to create our own fork and fix.